To apply for a place at Ephsol Education you must be age 8 in Year 2 progressing onto Year 3. However, candidates in other year groups (Key Stage 2-4) are accepted into the school based on their ability and place availability. Enrolment takes place all year round during term time by completing the online Contact Form or directly contacting the school’s office to book an entry test.
Candidates are invited to sit an Entry Test to allow them to demonstrate the best of their ability. Alternative, it gives us a value insight of placing the candidate in the right study group. Depending on the time of the assessment, the test papers are usually marked on the same day. When a candidate has performed reasonably well or above expectations, then a follow up consultation is held with Parents or Carers to discuss the schools terms and conditions before a start date is agreed.
All the information you would need to know about the school, can be found on our website. It has been designed in its simplest term. Please take ample time to explore the website to gain an insight into what we stand for.
Ephsol Education is a private institution which does not receive any financial support from any source. It is a fee paying school and all pupils are charged based on the year group and level of work. The school is run during term time in conjunction to mainstream schools but lessons are held in the Evenings and Saturdays during the day The quality of teaching and services that we offer gives an excellent opportunity to all pupils irrespective of their ethnicity, gender or religious belief.
Most of our pupils live locally within close proximity to the school while a third travels from the City of London and beyond. As a result, priority allocation is offered to pupils who live outside the Borough to attend lessons on Saturdays.
Many parents willingly offer voluntary contributions to support the administrative and social activities of the school - but these are strictly voluntary. Occasionally, some of our past students in sixth form colleges generously show up to lend their support in diverse ways and their contribution is an encouragement to our current students.